Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological and developmental disorder affecting kids and adults. It is characterized by behaviors such as hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention. ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood but may go unnoticed if the symptoms are mild.
The best providers of therapy services can detect genetic and environmental factors that can contribute to the development and worsening of ADHD symptoms. They can also identify when these symptoms are related to behavioral, psychological, and other medical-related conditions a patient is facing.
At Wholesome Therapy Center LLC, we are experts at providing ADHD treatment for kids and adults. Our treatment begins with a thorough assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition. We always seek to provide a personalized treatment program that we believe will work best for each patient.
As a top therapy center in Florida, we seek to care for our ADHD patients in the best way possible. We understand that there is no cookie-cutter approach to health and wellness. As such, we pursue various treatments, until we find what’s best for a patient.
Through experience, we have found MNRI Therapy in Boca Raton, Florida is effective in treating patients, especially children with ADHD. Studies have shown improvements in patients who undergo this therapy, with some fully recovering and experiencing a full integration into society.
If you are looking for a reliable provider of holistic therapy services in Florida, call us today.
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